Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Can See A Brighter Light

Mood: Missing

After what we went through, after so many ways of trying to make it up to him, today aku dapat rasa a slight of kegembiraan tu lagi. Well actually, sangat-sangat gembira. Dapat tengok dia gelak macam tu and the manja-manja side of him buat aku sentiasa beringat not to loose this one again. When I saw his smile, aku dapat rasa nafas lega in me. Hanya dia tahu what he when through before and hanya aku yang tahu apa yang aku dah go through these days of chasing him.

I can really see a brighter light ahead of us. Lesson learned and sekarang is up to me untuk buktikan semua yang aku dah janjikan pada dia. I will never take him for granted. He is my other half and my future.

p/s: I love you sayang.. Always do.. Always will..

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