Friday, June 21, 2013

Relationship Perfection

  • HONESTY It is clear that honesty is vital to the health of all relationships. Mutual trust, openness, and understanding are the key contributors to feelings of relationship and intimacy. Conversely it is very hard to be in a relationship with a person who distorts or withholds information critical to that relationship.
  • LOYALTY Loyalty means devoted commitment that cannot be broken easily. To be loyal, means to adhere to all the promises made for the lifetime. Loyalty is rather a very easy word but a very laudable quality that is difficult to keep for a lot many people. If I commit to someone about my relationship and that person goes broke after sometime, does not mean that I will look for richer persons. Every relationship rests on trust and truth. If the relationship began with lies, it can never sustain. The foundation is of lies. How truth can grow from the seed of lie? The first need or requirement of going in a long-term relationship is to be truthful in all respects. Fooling others into believing untruths is a sin.
  • PASSION The feeling physically aroused and attracted to someone. Passion is what makes you feel "in love" and is the feeling most associated with love. It also rises quickly and strongly influences and biases your judgment.
  • INTIMACY The feeling close and connected to someone (developed through sharing and very good communications over time). Intimacy is what makes you want to share and offer emotional and material support to each other.
  • COMMITMENT/ RESPONSIBILITY Pledging to your self and each other to strengthen the feelings of love and to actively maintain the relationship. Commitment is what makes you want to be serious, have a serious relationship and promise to be there for the other person if things get tough.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Hujan. Luar jendela. Dalam hati rasa turut hujan. Hirup nescafe sambil menulis. Rasa banyak nak diluahkan. Rasa banyak nak dikongsi. Tapi jari kaku menekan abjad-abjad. Cuma hati yang tahu. Hati yang sudah banyak menanggung suka, duka, ketawa dan rintihan.

Hati sebak. Rasa macam baru putus cinta. Jantung kencang. Rasa diri nak rebah; terduduk bermandikan hujan.

Aku rindu aku yang dahulu. Jasad ada, cuma hati yang hilang. Aku rindu kamu yang dulu. Yang sentiasa membawa hati ini jauh.

Aku tadah tangan ke luar jendela. Rasa titik-titik hujan di telapak tangan; renyai. Tapi yang di dalam hati rasa jauh lebih deras. Cuma aku dah tak mampu nak berair mata. Mungkin masih hipokrit kononnya gembira. Mungkin juga masih cuba untuk buat hati gembira.

Sampai bila hujan nak turun?

Di mana kamu, wahai si peminjam hati?