Monday, December 19, 2011

Hari-hari Bercuti

Best bukan kalau gaji RM10k per month and tak banyak commitment?
Best bukan kalau sebulan, boss boleh bagi cuti 1 minggu?


Kalau betul dalam realiti aku macam tu, memang every month aku nak pergi vacation or melawat tempat-tempat yang belum pernah aku jejak selama ni.

Lately ni asyik nak fikir vacation saja. Kerja, kumpul duit then pergi la mana-mana. As for now, I am focusing on tempat-tempat di dalam negara tercinta ini sendiri. Went to Pulau Perhentian few months back. Then to Penang last month. This month end mungkin ke Cameron saja. And all of the plans started already for the next year trip to Redang, Mabul and other places. Insyallah kalau diizinkan Allah; panjang umur and murah rezeki.

The best thing is bila boss offered me for a trip to Korea some time next year. Bertuah kan? Well, after aku terpaksa skipped the Indonesia and London tour memang lah rasa bertuah diberi offer sebegini. Anyway, lets hope tak ada halangan.

It feels like hari-hari nak berjalan dan bercuti. In order to get that one day, I guess I have to work extra hard la kan? As for now, kena la hadap bekerja siang malam bermati-matian untuk semua itu.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Year Come To An End

Masa cepat saja berlalu. Rasa macam baru semalam celebrate hari kelahiran. And now, it is close to another year of getting older.

2011... I lost a lot, yet I gained a lot.
2011... I've learnt a lot.
2011... I've understand a lot.
2011... I've cried a lot.. (A LOT), but I laughed more.
2011... There will be tons of things I am going to miss.
2011... There also will be things I won't regret of letting go.
2011... There will be some people that I am going to miss.
2011... Yet, there are some new people that I gladly met.

There are still much time to achieve things. Years and years will passing us by. Selagi masih hidup, selagi itu usaha masih mampu dorong kita kecapi impian. Insyallah.