Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Thing About Love

"Love feels no burden, thinks nothing of trouble, attempts what is above its strength, pleads no excuse of impossibility. It is therefore able to undertake all things, and it completes many things, and warrants them to take effect, where he who does not love would faint and lie down. Love is watchful and sleeping, slumbereth not. Though weary, it is not tired; though pressed, it is not straitened;though alarmed, it is not confounded.."
- Thomas A. Kempis -

Life are not always that easy especially when we are in a serious relationship as this. Tapi semua benda ada jalan penyelesaian as long as kita jujur to each other. Life might sounds quite complicating at some point. Tapi kita bole jadikan ia simple when we look more on the bright side. Selagi nak fikir negative, selagi tu apa masalah pun susah untuk diselesaikan. Just be positive, kan?

As long as we have trust and faith, surely we can overcome any situation.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Antara Disappointment atau Marah.

How do we actually voice out our disappointment? Sebab in some cases, we got misunderstood antara disappointment dengan marah. How do we actually explain bila kita rasa disappoint towards certain things without being taken as marah?

Kadang-kadang aku rasa susah untuk suarakan some disappointment bila nanti di anggap satu kemarahan yang cuba aku suarakan. No. Aku tak marah. Aku cuma berkongsi perasaan di mana aku ada sedikit rasa kurang berpuas hati terhadap sesuatu perkara. It seems unfair bila apa yang aku cuba suarakan diber feedback seolah-olah aku marah atau menyalahkan atau juga cuba mencari kesalahan. No. Aku cuma ingin berkongsi atau meluahkan apa yang sebenarnya aku rasa. Cuba ambil the positive side, it can be improve in the future. Bukan kah itu tujuan untuk kita berkongsi perasaan? Untuk mendengar pendapat orang lain, menganalisa dan membuat perbandingan. After that segala changes or improvement terletak ppada diri kita sendiri to decide.

Rasanya lebih adil untuk aku menyuarakan perasaan disappointment aku instead of keeping it to myself sampai satu masa untuk aku pin and point kan segalanya. Tapi rasanya, a confession of my disappointment selalu end up dengan disappointment from the other side. Aku jadi serba salah. Jadi harus bagaimana? Honestly, aku tak marah. Aku cuma menyuarakan rasa sedikit kurang berpuas hati.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mood: Love

When he told me that things have been sorted out, baru la aku boleh menarik nafas lega. Aku percaya dia and I can see his efforts yang sangat banyak untuk perbaiki this relationship of us.
"Ada orang lebih memerlukan I dari segalanya, and I'm here for him" (He meant me..)
I can only smile and God knows betapa leganya aku at that moment.

Now there will only be the 2 of us and the world. Well, tapi mesti la ada juga our families and our close friends of course. Most importantly, if love truly exist in us, semuanya just possible. And love will overcome anything selagi kita ada faith in it. Things happened in the past hanya pengajaran untuk kami do better in the future. I just don't want to let apa yang pernah terjadi jadi any penghalang towards a strong relationship we have built. I am letting the past passes by dengan pengajaran yang banyak taught me about life and love.

p/s: Thank you sayang. And I will never take you for granted.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Truth Hurts

Truth might hurt.
Tapi we are learning from mistakes.
At least kita honest to each other.
Sebab honesty is a main foundation of a good relationship.
Besides what's past is past, kan?
Most importantly, we both can work things out; as we have promised to each other.
We do have faith on us.
So I won't let any disappointment overshadow what we already have now.
Don't worry.

I love you.. Always have... Always will.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Can See A Brighter Light

Mood: Missing

After what we went through, after so many ways of trying to make it up to him, today aku dapat rasa a slight of kegembiraan tu lagi. Well actually, sangat-sangat gembira. Dapat tengok dia gelak macam tu and the manja-manja side of him buat aku sentiasa beringat not to loose this one again. When I saw his smile, aku dapat rasa nafas lega in me. Hanya dia tahu what he when through before and hanya aku yang tahu apa yang aku dah go through these days of chasing him.

I can really see a brighter light ahead of us. Lesson learned and sekarang is up to me untuk buktikan semua yang aku dah janjikan pada dia. I will never take him for granted. He is my other half and my future.

p/s: I love you sayang.. Always do.. Always will..