- Thomas A. Kempis -
Life are not always that easy especially when we are in a serious relationship as this. Tapi semua benda ada jalan penyelesaian as long as kita jujur to each other. Life might sounds quite complicating at some point. Tapi kita bole jadikan ia simple when we look more on the bright side. Selagi nak fikir negative, selagi tu apa masalah pun susah untuk diselesaikan. Just be positive, kan?
As long as we have trust and faith, surely we can overcome any situation.
Life are not always that easy especially when we are in a serious relationship as this. Tapi semua benda ada jalan penyelesaian as long as kita jujur to each other. Life might sounds quite complicating at some point. Tapi kita bole jadikan ia simple when we look more on the bright side. Selagi nak fikir negative, selagi tu apa masalah pun susah untuk diselesaikan. Just be positive, kan?
As long as we have trust and faith, surely we can overcome any situation.